Information on Bachelor programs
Here you can find current information about your Bachelor's program.
Here you can find current information about your Bachelor's program.
Office hours:
Many issues can be handled via email (
If you have any questions about your application, please make an appointment here.
If you have questions about changing study program, please book your meeting here.
For a student advising / consulting, please book the desired appointment:
Mailing Address
Studiendekanat der FWW
Postfach 4120
39016 Magdeburg
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Universitätsplatz 2
Vilfredo-Pareto-Gebäude (G22)
39106 Magdeburg
Phone: 0049 391 / 67-52263
Office: Building 22E-006
Last Modification: 09.09.2024 - Contact Person:
Studiendekanat der FWW