Participants at the FEM

Quality measures in study and teaching are generally the responsibility of the faculty and the dean’s office, or the senate and rectorate, respectively. At the rectorate’s level especially the prorector for study and teaching and on the faculty-level the Dean of Study Affairs assume the organization of study and teaching. Both may delegate tasks resulting from their responsibilities.

Next to central and decentral committees, quality assurance representatives on the central level (university’s quality assurance representative), decentral level (faculty’s quality assurance representative), and on the student level (students’ quality assurance representative of the faculty) have been appointed. This way it is ensured that there is a contact person on the faculty’s level as well as on the university’s level and for the student body in case of issues or concerns.

At the Faculty for Economics and Management, the following people assume these functions:

 Eichfelder  Naundorf_überarb Porträt Charline Reinecke

Dean of Study Affairs
of the FEM

Faculty's quality assurance representative
of the FEM

Student's quality assurance representative
of the FEM

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Eichfelder Dr. Jessica Naundorf Charline Reinecke


The study program directors develop and are responsible for the strategic development of their respective study program and ensure that the possibility for studying within the standard period is given. They advise students in all study-related questions. An overview of the study program directors for the Bachelor and Master degree programs can be found here!

Depending on the study program, further people can be given authority for the continuous quality development and management process, e.g. the I[nternational]S[tudy]P[rogram]-Koordinator/in (ISP-K) for English-speaking programs, the Dean’s Assistant, the examination board or the examination office, or the Otto-von-Guericke Business School Magdeburg in the case of extra-occupational programs. 


Last Modification: 24.04.2024 - Contact Person: Studiendekanat der FWW