Welcome to the Faculty of Economics and Management
    at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg!


    Research Talks

    Seminar Series

    28.01.2025, 3 p.m., Zoom-Meeting
    Meeting-ID: 634 8470 7623; Kenncode: 006272
    Lilana Sukkari

    Driving Green Growth: Key Determinants
    across Developed and Developing Economies

    Seminar Series

    29.01.2025, 1 p.m., G22 - Fakultätszentrum
    Juliane Hennecke

    Equal at Work, Equal at Home?
    Household Division of Labor in Work-Linked Couples

    WiSe 2024/2025 End-of-Semester Evaluation

    Take part and make a difference! Your opinions and feedback regarding the faculty’s educational offerings are very important to us! You get to decide who receives the title of the faculty’s best lecturer and also who deserves a teaching award.

    We cordially invite you to take part in the shaping of courses and in the quality development at the faculty!
    Please participate in the 2024/2025 WT End-of-Semester Evaluation by 23:59 on January 24, 2025! The questionnaire takes only about 5-7 min and all answers are saved anonymously. Of course, students from other faculties can also participate in our End-of-Semester Evaluation. For this purpose, these students can independently generate an access number on the Eval.uni website. You can find instructions on how to do this here.

    Please also use the comment sections to provide us with input regarding courses, which went especially well for you, and also where problems have arisen! The Faculty of Economics and Management is exactly where you should be! You can find more information here.

    We look forward to your participation.
    Your FEM Dean’s Office of Study Affairs

    Registration for all Master Seminars, Scientific Projects, mandatory bachelor seminar (Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und Volkswirtschaftlichen) are possible from now on

    Dear students, 

    from now on, registration for all Master Seminars, Scientific Projects, mandatory bachelor seminar (Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und Volkswirtschaftlichen) as well as for the Bachelor Thesis Seminars in the summer semester 2025 is possible via the E-Learning Portal OVGU - course area "Studiendekanat". Registration is possible until Friday, January 31, 2025 at 23:55!

    For further information on the allocation of places and scheduling in the mandatory bachelor seminar (Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und Volkswirtschaftlichen) as well as for the Bachelor Theses in the summer semester 2025, please visit the website of the Dean’s Office of Study Affairs under the section "Information on Bachelor programs".

    Information on the allocation of places in the Master's Seminars and Scientific Projects in the summer semester 2025 can be found on the following website under the section "Information on master programs".

    If you have further questions or problems, feel free to contact us via studiendekan-fww@ovgu.de .

    All the best

    FEM’s Dean's Office of Study Affairs

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    In Memory of the Architect of the Faculty Building

    According to recent media announcements, Peter Kulka, architect of the faculty building “Vilfredo Pareto” the OVGU building 22, passed away at the age of 86 beginning of February.
    People interested in the OVGU architecture’s history from the mid-90s, ... can check out further information here. Peter Kulka (Wikipedia) has truly left a very special building (G22) on OVGU campus.  A, so called, eye-catcher providing a space for academic and human encounters by structure and brightness. Now it is up to us to honor his work.     

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    Supported by OVGU in case of Conflicts, psychological problems, discriminations, etc.

    Compensation for disadvantages in exams, conflicts with the supervisor, exam anxiety, or the scholarship is ending soon and the pressure very high? The Otto von Guericke University recently published a list with contacts and detailed information for students and employees, who are in need of advice and support. Download PDF ...

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    Last Modification: 21.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster