Orientation Week

Changing into a new living environment is always challenging. To help you settle in, the OVGU offers an orientation week that will introduce you to the study programs and the university. In addition to that the Student Council of the FEM "FaraWiwi" organizes events to accustom you with life at the OVGU and in the city of Madgeburg. 

Important dates

The orientation day for Freshmen of the summer semester 2024 takes place from April 2nd, 2024 to April 5th, 2024

It starts off on Tuesday (April, 2nd) at 03:00 a.m. with a welcome- and opening function. There you will receive all important information about the course of the week. You do not need to register in order to participate in the zoom sessions.


Orientation Week Summer Semester 2024

DateTimeEventLocationPresentationStudy program


April 2nd, 2024

03:00pm-04:00pm Central Opening Event of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) building 22 part A room 020


Modalities of the Examination System

MA International Management Marketing Entrepreneurship,MA Betriebswirtschaftslehre

04:00pm-04:30pm Welcoming by Student Council FaraWiwi building 22 part A room 020 Presentation MA International Management Marketing Entrepreneurship, MA Betriebswirtschaftslehre
04:30pm- 10:00pm Getting to know each other in small groups Meeting point: building 22 part A foyer   MA International Management Marketing Entrepreneurship, MA Betriebswirtschaftslehre


April 3rd, 2024


10:00am-12:00am Studying at the School of Economics and Management (FEM) building 22 part A room 020   MA International Management Marketing Entrepreneurship
10:00am-12:00am Was erwartet mich im Bachelorstudium Internationales Management (B-IM)?  building 22 part A room 225


Modalities of the Examination System

 BA Internationales Management (Kooperation mit VW)
 01:00pm-03:00pm Stundenplanung – Wie gestalte ich meinen Stundenplan?  building 22 part A room 011    all study programs of the faculty
02:00pm-03:00pm Time Table – How do I create my timetable? building 22 part A room 012   all study programs of the faculty
04:00pm-10:00pm Campusrallye Meeting point: building 22 part A foyer   all study programs of the faculty


April 4th, 2024

10:00am-12:00am How to organize my M. Sc. IMME study program? Rules, Modules, FAQs … building 22 part A room 020   MA International Management Marketing Entrepreneurship
10:00am-12:00am Was erwartet mich im Masterstudium Betriebswirtschaftslehre/Business Economics (M-BWL/BE)? building 22 part A room 225


Modalities of the Examination System

MA Betriebswirtschaftslehre
starting 03:00pm Stadtrallye  Meeting point: after announcement   all study programs of the faculty

April 5th, 2024

10:00am-12:00am Personal Counseling for NEW IMME + Exchange students building 22 part B room 006   MA International Management Marketing Entrepreneurship, Exchange Students
starting 07:00pm Hasselhopping  Meeting point: Hassel   all study programs of the faculty

Last Modification: 09.07.2024 - Contact Person: Studiendekanat der FWW